
Windows 7 services is the problem for the perfomance issues in swtor's warzones

I have a three years pc with these specs cpu: amd athlon II 6000+ ram: 4 gb kingston gpu: nvidia 9800 gtx Until today i  had horrible perfomance and unplayable situations in warzones even in very low settings !!!!!  ( very low fps , lost frames and not smooth game = spikes ) . I log out and i started searching in the internets for a new setup ( cpu, ram, video card ) and i started with the cpu and i googled for amd fusion apu ( the new cpu with gpu inside the cpu from amd ) .  Google returned many results and a link for fusion utility for desktops .... this utility said that it gives some perfomance in games ... i installed it and .... WHAT A BLAST  !!!  FINALLY I CAN PLAY SMOOTH INSIDE THE WARZONES EVEN WITH SHADOWS , BLOOM ENABLED AND HIGH TEXTURES  ( MEDIUM SETTINGS ) and I HAVE  25 ~ 30 FPS INSIDE WARZONES  !!!! i installed this program and i made only two settings  a) Windows -> High perfomance | and activate  b) AMD -> Gaming...

Οι Advanced Classes κατηγοριοποιημένες με βάση τον τύπο παιχνιδιού

Οι Advanced Classes κατηγοριοποιημένες με βάση τον τύπο παιχνιδιού

Το WoW πέφτει σε δημοτικότητα την ώρα που το Swtor εκτοξεύεται

Πριν μερικούς μήνες διαβάσαμε στο ίντερνετ ότι το πιο δημοφιλές βίντεο παιχνίδι στον πλανήτη αυτήν την στιγμή το wow ότι χάνει 600 χιλιάδες συνδρομητές κάθε τρίμηνο ( source : Google Search ). Το wow είναι σίγουρο ότι εκτός απο το πιο δημοφιλές παιχνίδι , είναι ίσως και το ολοκληρωμένο αυτήν την στιγμή και σίγουρα ο αριθμός των εκατομμύριον συνδρομητών του δικαιολογείται απο τον παράγοντα [ ολοκληρωμένο παιχνίδι ]. Οι παίκτες του μπορούν να περάσουν ευχάριστα την ώρα τους οποιαδήποτε στιγμή αποφασίσουν να εισέλθουν στο παιχνίδι . Όμως το WoW ήδη διανύει το 7ο χρόνο του και αυτός ο "γάμος" ανάμεσα στους παίκτες και το παιχνίδι έχει καταντήσει απλα μια συνήθεια . κάθε τι στην ζωή μετά από καιρό όσο και να αλλάξει δεν μπορεί να σου προσφέρει νέες συγκινήσεις .έτσι και το wow ότι είχε να δώσει , το έδωσε .Μπορείτε να δείτε το πιο κάτω διάγραμμα που δείχνει την πτώση του ενδιαφέροντος για το WoW. Όσο πάλιωνε το wow , καινούργια παιχνίδια βγήκαν στο προσκήνιο έτοιμα ...

WoW showing drop while Swtor is on the rise

Before certain months we read in internet that the most popular video game in the planet this moment wow that it loses 600 thousands subscribers each quarter (source: Google Search ). The wow is certain that apart from the most popular game, is perhaps the most completed right now and certainly the number of million subscribers justified by the factor of the [complete game].The players can spend a pleasant time at any moment they decide to enter the game. But the WoW is already in its seventh year and this "marriage" between the players and the game has become just a habit. Everything in life after some time it can not offer new experiences ,and WoW that it had to give,already gave it. You can see in the chart this drop of interest about Wow ! more .... WoW showing drop while Swtor is on the rise

Swtor PvP Innovativation

Swtor PvP Innovativation The fact that Swtor references are made to Warhammer Online - makes me more optimistic that the PvP in SWTOR will at the very least be up to par. In case many people don't know, the PvP Warfront that's been mentioned is one where you fight to control 3 turrets to take down an enemy ship. Let's not kid ourselves here. When a Developer calls this Objective-based PvP, I think it's only partly true. 'They're all active at the same time.' It's basically King of the Hill where you need 2/3 to win. Very similar for example to what RIFT did where they have 4 banners around the map you hold to gain points over time. This is almost exactly the same. I have a much BETTER interpretation of what this SHOULD mean, and not what it actually does. What I picture as Objective-based 'all active at the same time from the start' is much more open and diverse. Give us multiple objectives we can accomplish to 'evolve...

Swtor End Game Fanbase Thoughts

Swtor End Game Fanbase Thoughts Swtor End Game Pontifications I see so much confusion about "End Game". - What exactly is End Game ? End Game is when you have reached the end of the game content. And all that is left are minigames. Say , running the same few raids over and over to aquire equipment , or endless battlegrounds against other players. in short , Sandbox stuff. I hear people ask, "what are we going to do at end game ?" You do understand you are asking "what are we going to do when we reach the end of the game ?" The game is over, you've won , you finished it. But There's a whole world full of pve quests you can do at max level ! Umm...then that technically is not end game. It may be "Max Level" stuff, but if you still have quests, you are not at the end of the game yet. Not to say that I object to them putting in a whole world full of max level quests. Far from it , I think it's a great idea , and they sh...

Hopes and suggestions from Community for the Swtor space system.

I believe that the space system in SWTOR should have more depth. Space travel and space battles were a integral part of the movies and the overall Star Wars experience. I understand that this game primarily focuses on combat on the ground, but Bioware & LucasArts are afforded the opportunity to create the ultimate Star Wars game by adding complexity to the space system. I've seen space-travel games, and planetside games, but to really immerse a player in a fictional universe, I'd like to see a game that implements both to a satisfactory degree. I'm eager to see just how far the developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic take it- I acknowledge that there is a healthy amount of speculation in my post, but I feel that if the space mechanic was any more sophisticated, we would have heard about it by now. The devs have said that each player will be able to purchase a ship at some point (each class seems to be associated with their own specific ship). The space ...