
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2011

Οι Advanced Classes κατηγοριοποιημένες με βάση τον τύπο παιχνιδιού

Οι Advanced Classes κατηγοριοποιημένες με βάση τον τύπο παιχνιδιού

Το WoW πέφτει σε δημοτικότητα την ώρα που το Swtor εκτοξεύεται

Πριν μερικούς μήνες διαβάσαμε στο ίντερνετ ότι το πιο δημοφιλές βίντεο παιχνίδι στον πλανήτη αυτήν την στιγμή το wow ότι χάνει 600 χιλιάδες συνδρομητές κάθε τρίμηνο ( source : Google Search ). Το wow είναι σίγουρο ότι εκτός απο το πιο δημοφιλές παιχνίδι , είναι ίσως και το ολοκληρωμένο αυτήν την στιγμή και σίγουρα ο αριθμός των εκατομμύριον συνδρομητών του δικαιολογείται απο τον παράγοντα [ ολοκληρωμένο παιχνίδι ]. Οι παίκτες του μπορούν να περάσουν ευχάριστα την ώρα τους οποιαδήποτε στιγμή αποφασίσουν να εισέλθουν στο παιχνίδι . Όμως το WoW ήδη διανύει το 7ο χρόνο του και αυτός ο "γάμος" ανάμεσα στους παίκτες και το παιχνίδι έχει καταντήσει απλα μια συνήθεια . κάθε τι στην ζωή μετά από καιρό όσο και να αλλάξει δεν μπορεί να σου προσφέρει νέες συγκινήσεις .έτσι και το wow ότι είχε να δώσει , το έδωσε .Μπορείτε να δείτε το πιο κάτω διάγραμμα που δείχνει την πτώση του ενδιαφέροντος για το WoW. Όσο πάλιωνε το wow , καινούργια παιχνίδια βγήκαν στο προσκήνιο έτοιμα ...

WoW showing drop while Swtor is on the rise

Before certain months we read in internet that the most popular video game in the planet this moment wow that it loses 600 thousands subscribers each quarter (source: Google Search ). The wow is certain that apart from the most popular game, is perhaps the most completed right now and certainly the number of million subscribers justified by the factor of the [complete game].The players can spend a pleasant time at any moment they decide to enter the game. But the WoW is already in its seventh year and this "marriage" between the players and the game has become just a habit. Everything in life after some time it can not offer new experiences ,and WoW that it had to give,already gave it. You can see in the chart this drop of interest about Wow ! more .... WoW showing drop while Swtor is on the rise

Swtor PvP Innovativation

Swtor PvP Innovativation The fact that Swtor references are made to Warhammer Online - makes me more optimistic that the PvP in SWTOR will at the very least be up to par. In case many people don't know, the PvP Warfront that's been mentioned is one where you fight to control 3 turrets to take down an enemy ship. Let's not kid ourselves here. When a Developer calls this Objective-based PvP, I think it's only partly true. 'They're all active at the same time.' It's basically King of the Hill where you need 2/3 to win. Very similar for example to what RIFT did where they have 4 banners around the map you hold to gain points over time. This is almost exactly the same. I have a much BETTER interpretation of what this SHOULD mean, and not what it actually does. What I picture as Objective-based 'all active at the same time from the start' is much more open and diverse. Give us multiple objectives we can accomplish to 'evolve...

Swtor End Game Fanbase Thoughts

Swtor End Game Fanbase Thoughts Swtor End Game Pontifications I see so much confusion about "End Game". - What exactly is End Game ? End Game is when you have reached the end of the game content. And all that is left are minigames. Say , running the same few raids over and over to aquire equipment , or endless battlegrounds against other players. in short , Sandbox stuff. I hear people ask, "what are we going to do at end game ?" You do understand you are asking "what are we going to do when we reach the end of the game ?" The game is over, you've won , you finished it. But There's a whole world full of pve quests you can do at max level ! Umm...then that technically is not end game. It may be "Max Level" stuff, but if you still have quests, you are not at the end of the game yet. Not to say that I object to them putting in a whole world full of max level quests. Far from it , I think it's a great idea , and they sh...

Hopes and suggestions from Community for the Swtor space system.

I believe that the space system in SWTOR should have more depth. Space travel and space battles were a integral part of the movies and the overall Star Wars experience. I understand that this game primarily focuses on combat on the ground, but Bioware & LucasArts are afforded the opportunity to create the ultimate Star Wars game by adding complexity to the space system. I've seen space-travel games, and planetside games, but to really immerse a player in a fictional universe, I'd like to see a game that implements both to a satisfactory degree. I'm eager to see just how far the developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic take it- I acknowledge that there is a healthy amount of speculation in my post, but I feel that if the space mechanic was any more sophisticated, we would have heard about it by now. The devs have said that each player will be able to purchase a ship at some point (each class seems to be associated with their own specific ship). The space ...

EA's CEO preparing the field for Microtransactions inside Swtor

EA's CEO preparing the field for Microtransactions inside Swtor In this Swtor statement , EA CEO John Riccitiello talks a lot about mmo Microtransactions and he mentions playing a game for 6 hours straight and having to pay 1 dollar just to re-clip your ammo (@24:40 of the presentation), should we be concerned at all? These opinions sparked a Burst of 87 pages commentary in the official web-site's forums . The major problem with these statements is EA 's CEO didn't clearly explain his thoughts of what Microtransactions he meant or if swtor will have Microtransactions. There are many type of Microtransactions ,some of them affect player game ,some of them not.for example, items like special looking rings-earings ,dresses,mounts that do not give any extra stats, XP gain, etc and they are only cosmetics i don't think there is any gamer in the world that is against them. But in other hand there are the items that do change stats, XP gain , fire pow...

EA's CEO preparing the field for Microtransactions inside Swtor

EA's CEO preparing the field for Microtransactions inside Swtor In this Swtor statement , EA CEO John Riccitiello talks a lot about mmo Microtransactions and he mentions playing a game for 6 hours straight and having to pay 1 dollar just to re-clip your ammo (@24:40 of the presentation), should we be concerned at all? These opinions sparked a Burst of 87 pages commentary in the official web-site's forums . The major problem with these statements is EA 's CEO didn't clearly explain his thoughts of what Microtransactions he meant or if swtor will have Microtransactions. There are many type of Microtransactions ,some of them affect player game ,some of them not.for example, items like special looking rings-earings ,dresses,mounts that do not give any extra stats, XP gain, etc and they are only cosmetics i don't think there is any gamer in the world that is against them. But in other hand there are the items that do change stats, XP gain , fire power , armor ...

What ? No Cross-faction Chat in Retail Swtor ?

What ? No Cross-faction Chat in Retail Swtor ? You've all watched Star Wars (well I hope you did..) I read a few developers posts about the cross-faction talk and the said that it's only enabled in the beta, and its highly likely that it will not be in the finished game. When I heard about that it struck me, being that I'm a heavy PvPer ,i am also and a heavy socialize gamer that use the chat a lot . Maybe if it can be reconsidered being that Bioware/Lucasarts said they want to make this feel like a REAL star wars experience *, Cross-faction talk in swtor should be enabled. It would really add a sense of reality in the game, especially in PvP atmosphere inside the game. It's used in everquest , and works wonderfully, and it is not used in Aion and that was a reason that pvp in aion sucks a lot ,because you can see that the enemy speaks but you can not read what he writes Always ,in pvp games ,a bit of QQ chat is like the alas of pvp and many times the qq a...

Poll : Features you hope SwToR Borrows from other Games

Poll : Features you hope SwToR Borrows from other Games All games that are great do it*. Borrow features that work from other great games in addition to innovating with some new ones of their own. Here's a few of the ones I'd pick: 1. WoW's scale. The first time I got out of the starter zone, I couldn't believe just how big the game was. It truly felt epic traveling to the other continent the first time. I hope they give this game that same sense of epic scale. 2. WARs group quest system. I loved it. The fist time I stumbled into troll country and jumped into an epic battle with a giant group of people was awesome and a total blast. 3. DDO's loot system. In my opinion, this game nailed the loot system. Each player gets their own loot table in the dungeons. You choose which items you want or need. Your in control of your own gear. 4. FPS's map/game type system - Most mmo's seem to follow the same basic pvp structure with few choice...

Pre-order Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray Now!

Pre-order Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray Now!

PvP Interview by Emmanuel Lusinchi @MMORPG.com

PvP Interview by Emmanuel Lusinchi @MMORPG.com

The tribe's name of sith has ancient origin

The tribe's name of sith has ancient origin ο George lucas φαίνεται να έχει μελετήσει καλά τους Έλληνες αρχαίους συγγραφείς ή όπως λεει και η wikipedia ο συγγραφεας* που εμπνεύστηκε ο George lucas . Ας δούμε όμως τι λέει ο Πλούταρχος για τον γενάρχη της φυλής των Σηθ ( Sith στα ελληνικα ακούγεται Σηθ ) : “για τούτο τον τυφώνα οι Αιγύπτιοι αποκαλούν Σηθ, που σημαίνει οτιδήποτε καταδυναστεύει ή επιβάλλεται με βίαιο τρόπο...”. ο lucas δεν επέλεξε τυχαία την ονομασία αυτή για την φυλή των sith. το κυριότερο χαρακτηριστικό της Κρόνιας λατρείας ήταν οι ανθρωποθυσίες κι αυτό μας το δηλώνει ο Πλούταρχος ο Χαιρωνεύς που ήταν αρχιερέας του Απόλλωνος στους Δελφούς. ο Πλούταρχος θεωρούσε την Κρόνια λατρεία βάρβαρη, ανθελληνική και επικίνδυνη για την ανθρωπότητα. μας λέει πως οι φοίνικες λάτρευαν τον Κρόνο και του προσέφεραν ανθρωποθυσίες. ο Πλούταρχος ταυτίζει την λατρεία του Κρόνου με εκείνη του Τυφώνος. μάλιστα στο “περί Ίσιδος και Οσίριδος”, 356 α θεωρεί τον τυφώνα υιό του...

Funny Community Post : What's REALLY going on ?

Funny Community Post : What's REALLY going on ? Το post που ακολουθεί ,το διαγράψαν από τα επίσημα φόρα #swtor και προσωπικά διαφωνώ γιατί είναι αν μην τι άλλο στα πλαίσια της κριτικής , της καλής κριτικής ( να πούμε και την στραβή αλήθεια η bioware μας πλάνταξε στις μουφο-ενημερώσεις , ούτε μια επίσημη ακύρωση για το release date δεν είχαμε ), αλλά συνάμα και αστείο. Την αντίθεσή μου σε αυτήν την απόφαση την έδειξα με μηνύματα στο twitter swtor greece και θα συνεχίσω μέχρι να επανενεργοποιηθεί το λινκ . http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=304807 Το αρχικό άρθρο ειναι το εξής : " Scene 1: The General Forum Forum-goer 1: That update sucked! Forum-goer 2: Yeah man. I mean, a book? I came here for a game update Forum-goer 3: There's no need to complain, you get what you get. Forum-goer 4: You all need to stop whining like spoiled brats. It's not like they promised you a GOOD update every week Forum-goers 5-1056: Rabble rabble rabble. Chaos ensues......m...